
求东方神起believe in u的中文歌词

  • 求东方神起believe in u的中文歌词,要中文的哦不是日文问题补充: 不是要音译
  • 明白了这样的评论世界今天也转动各种各样的想法一花讥羔客薏九割循公末边走一边行动没有目标的的路 走吧

believe电影里面有一首歌,Justin bieber在studio里录的 歌词 i i

  • believe电影里面有一首歌,Justin bieber在studio里录的 歌词 i i i i want you you you 是什么…!!!
  • 我想你你你

在几年前听到的一首歌其中有歌词 Believe Believe Believe的

  • 不是I Believe I Can Fly。一个欧美的男声,RNB曲风的,高潮是重复I Believe I Believe I Believe 。。。的
  • I believe 原唱孙楠,你听到的估计是某女翻唱的!

我记得几年前有首英文歌 歌词有一句好像是because you let me believe 这是什么歌啊?

  • 高潮的时候节奏感比较强·是个男的唱的,
  • because you live 不知道是不是

歌词第一句can believe s day fine me?是什么歌

  • 第一句好像是can believe s day fine me? 第三句好像是 every detail around throught my mind我不懂英文 可能会听错,是男唱的英文歌。有乡村的感觉。
  • Fine Fine Day作词:Stefan OlssonTony Nilsson作曲:Stefan OlssonTony Nilsson歌手∶Rockstar SteadyIts a Fine Fine Day.Its a Fine Fine Day.Wicked, wicked world.Hard to be a girl.Everybody thinks Im not as good as you.Wicked, wicked days.I need to get away. You keep saying no one is as good as me.Tell me, tell me, tell me something new.Here I am. Time to break away.Cause your sweet, sweet words are all lies.But its a Fine Fine Day.Wicked, wicked boys. Playing with your toys.Nows the time to prove I can do anything.I will get things done. Ill make it on my own.If you think youre better than the rest of us.Tell me, tell me, tell me if you dare.Here I am. Time to break away.Cause your sweet, sweet words are all lies.But its a Fine Fine Day.Here I am. Time to break away.Cause your sweet, sweet words are all lies.But its a Fine Fine Day.Here I am. Time to break away.Cause your sweet, sweet words are all lies.Here I am. Time to break away.Cause your sweet, sweet words are all lies.But its a Fine Fine Day.its a Fine Fine Day.But its a Fine Fine Day.

后街男孩make believe中文歌词

  • 求后街男孩make believe中文歌词
  • make believe v. 假装;假扮n. 假装;虚构望采纳!


  • 应该范围很小了,有大神吗
  • need you come bac伴奏

谁能翻译Fort Minor的《believe me》的中文歌词?

  • 我需要完整版的,一句不漏的翻译!谢谢!
  • Believe Me的歌词I guess That this is where weve come to If you dont want to Then you dont have to believe me But I wont be there when you go down Just so you know now Youre on your own now believe me I dont want to be the one to blame You like fun and games Keep playing em Im just sayin Think back then We was like one and the same On the right track But I was on the wrong train Just like that Now youve got a face to pain And the devils got a fresh new place to play In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain Every damn day is the same shade of grey Hey I used have a little bit of a plan Used to Have a concept of where I stand But that concept slipped right out of my hands Now I dont really even know who I am Yo, what do I have to say Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free What ever happens to you, well see But its not gonna happen to me I guess That this is where weve come to If you dont want to Then you dont have to believe me But I wont be there when you go down Just so you know now Youre on your own now believe me Back then, I thought you were just like me Somebody who could see all the pain I see But you proved to me unintentionally That you would self-destruct eventually Now Im thinking like the mistake I made doesnt hurt But its not gonna work Cause its really much worse than I thought I wished you wer……余下全文


  • 最好是日文和中文一句一句对下来的 最重要的还是中文 谢谢!
  • 我们是共产主义接班人,继承不成啊电话了卡好看哈开始的哈开始

believe my dice中文歌词

  • 魔界王子的Op求全首翻译谢谢!
  • Believe My Dice歌:ウイリアム(江口拓也)ダンタリオン(寺岛拓笃)  シトリー(松冈祯丞)カミオ(柿原彻也)透明(とうめい)な仮面(かめん)を付(つ)けられたようだった 像被戴上了透明的假面见(み)えない 见(み)せない 看不见 望不穿真実(ほんとう)のことさえ  甚至连真相也是如此确(たし)かなものが揺(ゆ)らぎ始(はじ)めたとしたら 如果连真相都开始动摇誓(ちか)いの旗(はた)をどこに立(た)てろと言(い)うのだろう 还能妄谈什么坚定的誓言呢この身(み)に刻(きざ)まれた运命(さだめ)が导(みちび)く 被注定的好的命运牵引抗(あらが)う鼓动(こどう)の先(さき)へ 前往反抗的尽头この手(て)を今(いま)伝(つた)ってる 如今抓紧这双手热(あつ)い血(ち)が走(はし)るように 仿佛热血沸腾锁(くさり)を手纲(たづな)に変(か)え 强(つよ)く 将这锁链化为缰绳 变更强孤独(こどく)をただ认(みと)める 只认同孤独それが意志(いし)を持(も)つこと 那是意志的证明足枷(あしかせ)付(つ)けられても 高(たか)く 即使双脚戴着枷锁 也要飞翔Believe My Diceきっと答(こた)えなどないだろう 一定没有所谓的答案吧だから譲(ゆず)れない 所以绝不退让赛(さい)を振(ふ)るのはこの手(て)だと 因为决定命运的一定是这双手远(とお)くまで走(はし)れば拭(ぬぐ)い去(さ)れただろうか 若是跑向远方 身影会消失不见吧背中(せなか)に络(から)んだ影(かげ)は未来(みらい)だった 缠绕在背后的影子曾是我的未来安宁(あんねい)に生(い)きることも许(ゆる)されないなら 若是连安逸的生活下去都不被允许的话いっそ全(すべ)てこの命(めい)に従(したが)えようか 干脆就这样听天由命吧契(ちぎ)りを交(か)わすのは己(おのれ)と决(き)めたら 如果交换契约是我自己的决定闇(やみ)にさえ踏(ふ)み出(だ)せよ 就算身处黑暗也会大步向前この目(め)が今(いま)定(さだ)める 如今的目光已然坚定厚(あつ)い云(くも)の向(む)こうへ 向着厚厚的云层对面光(ひか)らずとも光(ひかり)があると 无论光明与否迷(わよ)いの中(なか)进(すす)もう 在迷茫中前进吧それが道(みち)になること 这是必经之路见(み)えないほど确(たし)かな明日(あす)へ 前往明确的未来Believe My Diceいつも転(ころ)がる目(め)に托(たく)して 寄托于这灵活的目光全(すべ)てを委(ゆだ)ねよう 将一切交给我吧赛(さい)を振(ふ)るのがこの手(て)なら 如果决定命运的是这双手的话消(き)えない阳炎(かげろう)は 消不去的阳炎谁(だれ)にも揺(ゆ)らめく 将折射出的人影摇动惑(まど)わされ裏切(うらぎ)られでもまた 即使被迷惑被背叛也会歩(ある)き出(だ)せるのさ 继续我向前的脚步この手(て)を今(いま)伝(つた)ってる 如今抓紧这双手热(あつ)い血(ち)が走(はし)るように 仿佛热血沸腾锁(くさり)を手纲(たづな)に変(か)え 强(つよ)く 将这锁链化为缰绳 变更强孤独(こどく)をただ认(みと)める 只认同孤独それが意志(いし)を持(も)つこと 那是意志的证明足枷(あしかせ)付(つ)けられても 高(たか)く 即使双脚戴着枷锁 也要飞翔Believe My Diceきっと答(こた)えなど要(い)らないさ 一定不需要所谓的答案吧信(しん)じるものは、そう 坚信着的,一定……余下全文
