
He likes carrots best of the vegetables 是什么意思?

  • He likes carrots best of the vegetables 是什么意思?
  • He likes carrots best of the vegetables他最喜欢吃蔬菜 ———————————-如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

she eats rice and carrots for lunch at school 是什么意思

  • she eats rice and carrots for lunch at school 是什么意思
  • 她在学校吃了米饭和胡萝卜作为午饭,

good for you什么意思

  • good for you什么意思
  • good for you对你很好双语例句1The idea that greens are good for you is a load of cobblers.青菜对人体有益的说法是一派胡言。2They re a bit like smoking& you know it s not good for you, but it s hard to stop.它们有点像吸烟&你知道它对你没什么好处,但就是没法戒掉。3Youd better eat less greasy food now; it 迹穿管费攮渡归杀害辑isnt good for you.你现在最好少吃些太油腻的食物,这对你不利。4May: Daniel, carrots contain much Vitamin C.It is good for you.阿美:丹尼尔,胡萝卜含有丰富的维生素C。对你有好处。

This is the vegetable garden. These a

  • This is the vegetable garden. Thes发处篡肺诂镀磋僧单吉e ar carrots and potatoes的中文意思是什么
  • These are toy buses.There is a watch on the de发处篡肺诂镀磋僧单吉sk.(你那个应该不是these而是there).
