

  • 英语单词damage是什么意思
  • damage 损坏

liquidate damage是什么意思

  • liquidate damage是什么意思
  • liquidate damage[英][lkwdet dmid][美][lkwdet dmd][财]已清偿损失额; 双语例句1After the dissolution of liquidation of obligations the company has a main body, often through lazy liquidation, escape liquidation, to avoid the direct write-off debt, not to liquidate, damage to the interests of creditors. Second, because of the lazy performance obligations other than liquidation of law shall not be detailed, and the judicial practice in the liquidation of the company can not be a lack of follo酣储丰肥莶堵奉瑟斧鸡w-up requirements.公司解散后负有清算义务主体往往通过怠于清算、逃逸清算、直接注销的方式逃避债务,不进行清算,损害债权人利益。第二,由于对怠于履行清算以外的义务法律规定不详细,以及对司法实践中公司无法进行清算的后续措施缺乏规定。

critical damage是什么意思

  • critical damage是什么意思
  • critical damage英[kritikl dmid]美[krtkl dmd]释义临界损坏 1This is good news for moving forward to develop clinical interventions and therapeutics because it appears critica姬鸡灌课弑酒鬼旬邯莫l damage was not done to brain circuitry during early development.这对于发展临床干预和治疗手段来说是极好的消息,因为研究显示发育早期(缺乏雌激素)并没有使脑循环临界损坏。

the doctor operated on the injueed man removeing his damaged lung什么意思

  • the doctor operated on the injueed man removeing his damaged lung什么意思
  • 翻译:医生给伤者做了手术,摘除了他受损的肺  满意请采纳,谢谢

Damages all enemies in a close range around the player是什么意思?谁知道?

  • 这是咒灵诞生第一个符文的描述~~!!请网友解答一下!
  • 嘉德联合(北京)国际商务咨询有限公司(简称“嘉德国际”),业内都称“嘉德移民”

愤怒女枪手(Jane Wilde)游戏过关后的take 20% damage at most是什么意思,怎么才能得到这颗星星,谢谢!

  • 翻译过来是给大多数以20%的伤害,但这个是怎么计算的,或者用什么方式才能达到
  • 是最多只能承受20%的伤害,即掉血量不超过20%

rotational inertia是什么意思

  • rotational inertia是什么意思
  • rotational inertia释义惯性矩; 转动惯量The improved instrument of rotati法常瘁端诓得搭全但户onal inertia of disk avoids such problems as the cost-expensive, insecure and easy damageable.对测圆盘转动惯量实验进行改进,避免了耗材、不安全、仪器易损坏等问题;Discussion on position of optical gate in rotational inertia experiment扭摆法测量转动惯量实验中光电门摆放位置的探究

wooden case是什么意思

  • wooden case是什么意思
  • wooden case 孩耽粉甘莠仿疯湿弗溅 英[wudn keis] 美[wdn kes] [释义] 木箱; [网络] 木盆; [例句]The wooden case should be not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from any damage.木箱不但要适合海运,还要十分牢固以保护货物不受任何损害。

reversed cyclic loading是什么意思

  • reversed cyclic loading是什么意思
  • reversed cyclic loading 往复荷载; 反复加载例句筛选1.Seismic performance of HPC damaged frames under low reversed cy籂甫焚晃莳浩锋彤福廓clicloading低周反复荷载下高性能混凝土震损框架的抗震性能2.Effect of Force Ratio on Seismic Behavior of Steel-composite ContinuousBeams under Low-reversed Cyclic Loading力比对钢-混凝土连续组合梁抗震性能的影响

汽车维修中的 step repair 什么意思

  • 汽车维修中的 step repair 什么意思
  • step repair的中文翻译_百度翻译  step repair  步修;阶梯…修理  双语例句  1  The restoration of microcirculatory structure and function was the key step of woun涪骸帝缴郜剂佃烯顶楼d repair.  微循环结构和功能的恢复是创面修复的中心环节,因此,改善创面微循环能促进创面愈合。  2  The step scarf repair is otherwise a good method, and it can improve the residual strength of damaged laminate in large extent.  阶梯形挖补修理是一种比较好的修理方法,能够大幅度提高受损层合板的剩馀强度。
