

  • 2011—2012 院学生会系刊部干事 撰写大型活动新闻稿,提高自身文笔能力。 2011- 2012 担任班级学习委员 组织策划班级团日活动,增强同学们的感情。 2012—2013 院社团英语协会正会长 组织策划学院圣诞晚会、元旦晚会、社团文化节等大型活动,组织协调能力、策划及团队合作能力得到提升。实践经历 2012年6&7月 跟一个人力资源公司合作,做学生暑假工招聘代理。对工作有了新领悟,同时锻炼了个人团队合作、组织协调能力、与人沟通能力。 2013年8月参加广东大学生“青年马克思主义培养工程”第十期培训班。高强度的培训磨练了我的耐性,在培训过程中,提高自我决策能力。 2013年11&12月到广州市第一市政工程有限公司实习。学习到了很多课堂上学不到的知识,对建筑行业有了初步接触。获奖经历2011年12月 荣获系科技文化节桥梁模型大赛三等奖2013年12月 荣获学院优秀社团会长称号兴趣&自我评价兴趣梦想:打羽毛球、篮球、足球、网球。阅读科技类、经济类、哲学类书籍以及时事新闻。自我评价:本人性格开朗易于与人沟通交流,有较强的耐性和责任心。助人为乐,真诚待人;憨厚执著,沉稳上进。在学习方面,善于思考、虚心向学。
  • ~ 2011-2012 School Student Ministry Director- writing events Jikan press releases, improve their writing skills.~ 2011 – 2012 as a member of the class learning organization planning group class day activities to enhance the students feelings.Events ~ 2012-2013 School Associations English School Association is president of the organization planning a Christmas party, New Years party , community and cultural festival, organization and coordination, planning and teamwork skills improve.Practical experience~ 2012 & July 6 with a human resources company, doing summer work student recruitment agency . With new insight to the work , while exercising personal teamwork , organization and coordination, communication and people skills.- August 2013 to attend college in Guangdong , " young Marxist training project" Tenth courses. High-intensity training to hone my patience , in the training process , improve self- decision making.~ 2013 11 & December to Guangzhou First Municipal Engineering Co. internship . Classroom learning to a lot less than the knowledge of the construction industry have initial contact .Winning experienceDecember 2011 was awarded the Department of Science and Technology Festival bridge model contest prizeDecember 2013 was awarded the title of president outstanding community collegeInterest & self-evaluationInterest dream: playing badminton, basketball , soccer, tennis. Read the technology , economics , philosophy books and news.Self-evalua……余下全文

简历英文翻译 高手来 感激不尽

  • 概况曾就读于春苗小学,育英中学,育英高中,毕业于湖南师范大学,在校期间曾多次荣获三好学生,文艺之星等。 技能接受过全方位的大学基础教育,受到良好的专业训练和能力培养,掌握教学技巧,具有较高的外语水平及艺术细胞,熟知电脑。自我评价为人诚恳,做事认真,具有责任心,有自制力,积极乐观,适应能力强,拥有较强的团队协作精神。精益求精的精神来努力工作,遇事沉着冷静,善于发现问题,解决问题。稳定地提高自己的工作能力,与公司同步繁荣发展尽其微薄的心力。这些用英文怎么说呀 谢谢各位高手 好的再加分问题补充: 请误使用机翻 谢谢 :)
  • Basic information:Chunmiao Primary School (每个教育阶段都写上相应的时间 比如:1999.9-2002.6)Yuying Middle SchoolYuying Senior High SchoolHunan Normal University Excellent Student (写上获奖时间)Star of Literature & Art Skills:你写的太泛了,直接写出你受过什么样的专业训练和能力培养,教学技巧和英语水平是否有证书来证明,电脑是不是有计算机证书。 Personal Statement:都太笼统,没有依据,你可以写 I was the monitor in my class for the whole university years with high sense of responsibility….由此证明你是有责任心;I took part in the xx activity as the leader and won the Gold metal with great team work spirit … 由此证明你有较强的团队协作精神。。。 一次类推,别净写的大空话。


  • 求高人帮忙翻译个人简历!高悬赏!急求!个 人 简 历个人资料 姓 名:XXX 婚姻状况:未婚 出 生:xxxx xxxx 政治面貌:团员 性 别:男 民 族:汉 学 位:专科 移动电话:xxx 专 业:食品质量与安全监管 电子邮件:704308739@qq.com 教育背景 2011.9-2014.6 上海市工会管理职业学院—–健康安全系 主修课程专科阶段主修食品加工技术,食品掺伪鉴别检验,食品质量管理,食品添加剂,食品理化分析,食品卫生检验与管理,食品微生物学,食品原料学特长及兴趣爱好除了有专业的知识外,我在校生活期间,参加各项工作活动。为全面发展,利用大一,大二的假期时间,我在外兼职,以及曾受到学校老师介绍至普陀区质监局实习过一个礼拜。我认为在这些活动中充分的锻炼了我的团队协作能力,学会了更好的与人相处,这些在我以后的工作中一定会有很大的帮助。 计算机能力能熟悉使用Office工具以及Photoshop、Flash等软件。外语水平能熟练进行听说读写译奖励情况:2011-2012 优秀学生会干事 内审员相关证书 食品检验员中级证书自我评价本人性格比较顽强向上、爱乐于助人、适应能力比较强,诚实、不死板而且容易相处,喜欢用实际行动来表达自己的意思
  • A resumePersonal informationName: XXXMarital status: singleBorn: XXXX XXXXPolitical affiliation: MembersGender: MaleNationality: HanDegree: CollegeMobile phone: XXXProfessional: food quality and safety supervisionE-mail: 704308739@qq.comEducation background2011.9-2014.6Shanghai trade union management, health and safetydepartment of Career AcademyMajor coursesMajor in college stageFood processing technology, the adulteration of foodinspection, food quality management, food additives, food physical and chemical analysis, food hygiene inspectionand management, food microbiology, food raw materialsSpecialties and hobbiesIn addition to professional knowledge, during my stay inschool life, participate in various activities. For the comprehensive development, the big, big two holiday time, Iin the outside part-time, and had been a school teacherintroduced to Putuo District Bureau of quality supervisionpractice in a week. I think in these activities to fully exercisemy team cooperation ability, learn to get along with others,these in my future work will be of great help.Computer skillsBe familiar with the use of Office tools and Photoshop,Flash and other software.The level of foreign languageSkilled in both spoken and written EnglishAwards:Director 2011-2012 excellent studentInternal auditor certificateFood Inspector certificateSelf evaluationI am stubborn upward, Philharmonic to help others, strong ability to adapt, honest, flexible and easy-going, love ……余下全文