
my mother and i walks to the supermarkets 什么意思怎么读

  • my mother and i walks to the supermarkets 什么意思怎么读
  • my mother and i walks to the supermark…的中文翻译my mother and i walks to the旦阀测合爻骨诧摊超揩 supermarkets我妈妈和我去超市


  • 在星期六我经常会去超市用英语怎么读
  • I often go to the mallsupermarket on s缉胆光感叱啡癸拾含浆aturdays


  • 实用英语口语:too和enough该怎么用
  • 关于too和enoughtoo和enough皆可修饰名词、形容词和副词。Too表示的是程度深或数量多。Enough则意味着程度或数量超出所需要的范围。这里是一些例子:Shes too sad these days. I wonder whats wrong.她这些天都太悲伤了。我想知道发生了什么。I dont have enough sugar. Lets go to the supermarket.我没有足够的糖。我们去超市买吧。Youre driving too slowly!你开车太慢了!There are too many students in this class. It should be smaller.班上的学生太多了。我们应该采用小班教学。This test is difficult enough already!考试已经够难了!We have too much pollution in the world.我们已经造成太多的污染了。1.关于enough阅读下面的例子,你会发现,enough有时候位于它所修饰的词语前。例如:What do we need for dinner? I think we have enough vegetables, dont we?晚饭还需要准备些什么?我觉得蔬菜已经足够了,不是吗?She feels that Tom has more than enough time to help.她感觉汤姆有足够的时间来帮忙。在其他的例子中,enough位于它所修饰的词语后面,例如:You should ask John for help hes rich enough to help us all!你应该向约翰求助,他那么有钱,一定可以帮到我们的!I dont think they are smart enough to take that class.我觉得他们的智商不足以应付这门课。看一看上面例子中被enough所修饰的词语。你会发现,enough位于名词vegetables(蔬菜)和time(时间)的前面,位于形容词rich(富裕的)和smart(聪明的)后面。如果你不能很好地区分名词和形容词,可以回顾一下词性方面的知识。a.形容词+enough当我们将enough作为副词使用,用来指代要求的程度或范围时,直接将enough放在所修饰的形容词后面Hes not patient enough to understand children.他在理解孩子方面不够耐心。My friend wasnt intelligent enough to take the job.我朋友不够聪明,还无法胜任这份工作。b.副词+enough当enough作为副词来指代要求的程度或范围时,将enough直接放在它所修饰的副词后面。Peter drove slowly enough for us to look at all the houses.皮特将车开得慢,好让我们能够欣赏所有的房子。The students studied carefully enough to do well on the exam.为了考出好成绩,学生们认真学习。c.Enough + 名词直接将enough放在名词的前面,从而用来表述该名词的数量满足要求。Do you……余下全文
