

  • Hello,我的名字是XXX,从小在中国长大,初中时暂时有在韩国上初一,因为从小喜欢关于医学的所有东西,上了口腔医师专业高中,毕业后在首尔的XXX医院实习一年。可能很多人都不太理解喜欢是有多么喜欢,按举例来说,我非常喜欢闻医院的味道,会非常让我感到兴奋,还有个人非常喜欢与患者在孩攻粉纪莠慌疯苇弗俩一起。因为面对他们时,我就会变成非常被需要的人,并且可以帮到他们。当真正帮助到他们的时候,真的会感到非常的重试。也因此我平时非常喜欢参加公益,比较喜欢参加的有老年人公益、残疾人、红十字等。平时也愿意接触心里患者,因为心理患者们最需要的并不是药,而是关心和理解,我也喜欢并希望能做到去关系他们的人。当然,在以前的时候,我自身也有患过人群恐惧症,现在也良好很多。个人兴趣也有很多,因为小时候学过的东西很多,但不精。平时喜欢练字。画画。拼图。跳舞等还有玩俄罗斯方块,我有玩了八年左右,个人非常喜欢很多人都会但很少有人精通的游戏。平时也喜欢所有刺激的挑战,例如蹦极、拳击等。属于外冷内热的人。希望有能者帮忙翻译一下,因为后天会有用。希望能帮忙~ 谢谢。
  • Hello, my name is XXX, grew up in China, junior high school temporarily in South Korea on the new moon, because since the childhood like all the things about medicine, oral physicians professional high school, after graduation in Seoul XXX hospital internship for one year. May be a lot of people dont understand how much love is like, by, for example, I like to smell the flavor of the hospital, would let me feel very excited, and people like it very much with the patients. Because in the face of them, I will become very by people in need, and can help to them. When really help to them, really feel very retry. So I also very much like to participate in public welfare at ordinary times, prefer to have the old public welfare, the disabled, the Red Cross, etc. Heart patients are willing to contact at ordinary times, because mental patients need most is not the medicine, but the care and understanding, I also like and hope to do to them. In previous time, of course, my own also have had the crowd phobia, now also a lot of good. Personal interest also has a lot of, because when I was a child learned a lot of things, but not good. Likes to practice calligraphy. To draw. Jigsaw pu孩攻粉纪莠慌疯苇弗俩zzle. Dance, and play tetris, I have played for eight years or so, personally like many people but few master of the game. Usually also like all exciting challenges, such as bungee jumping, boxing, and so on. Belonged to cold on the outside.希望能解决你的问题,知你好运,O(∩_∩)O~。


  • 普通点的,内容包括 早上好 很高兴可以参加这次面试,我来自XXX 毕业于XXX 毕业后在烟台实习 ………………
  • good morning, my name XX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am XX years old,born in XX province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX university.my major isXX.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET46 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend  several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law w……余下全文


  • 问题补充: 用于毕业招聘
  • 。。某某某某某某某某某某某某


  • 中文意思:您好!我今年27岁,出生于湖南省,毕业于长沙学院通信专业,2010年取得学士学位证书,在校期间努力学习通过了英语四级考试,掌握了基本专业知识。2010年7月就职于深圳一家监理公司担任监理工程师,由于个人原因辞职后在湖南一家监理公司担任过工程师。2013年8月进入中兴精诚科技有限公司,接触核心网,希望在核心网领域有更好的发展问题补充: 在线等,急!
  • 买奈木乙日** !

求将自我介绍翻译成英文 急求!!!

  • 我叫○○今年25岁○○大学毕业 在校期间取得了日语一级和日语专业八级在取得日语学位的同时获得金融双学位。之前在日企做过品质管理工作,其工作内容为,现场翻译 ,收发日语邮件,投诉发生时做日文相关调查报告。,传达上级指令,反馈现场信息,监督协调现场品质改善。之后在中日合资企业做过短期的日语临时翻译,应对日方技术人员现场翻译。之后的企业中主要做文件笔译,比如日语专利文件,公司宣传资料和作业文件的翻译。以上的工作经验提高了我的日语翻译水平的同时,锻炼了良好的与人沟通的能力,分析以及日文输入能力。同时在日企工作过的经验使我能更好更快的适应日企的工作氛围。从性格上来说我性格稳重,工作认真负责,有团队精神。自学能力和适应力较强。如果能得到工作机会我将尽我所能将我的技能运用到工作中,为公司发展做出自己一份努力。问题补充: 不好意思 财富不够 不然就多加了。。。急求啊
  • 打倒小日本 中华人民共和国万岁○○と申し今年は25歳の○○大学を卒业しては在学中に取得した日本语1级や日本语専攻が日本语の学位を取得したを同时に受ける金融复数専攻だった。前に日系企业でやって品质管理の仕事をしており、その仕事の内容は、现场には日本语に翻訳され、送受信メール、クレーム発生の际、日本语に関连の捜査结果を発表した。上级者に伝える指令を出し、フィードバック现场の情报を调整监督现场品质改善したものだ。以後、中日合弁会社を一度もやったことの短期の日本语の临时に翻訳され、现场の通訳を日本侧に技术者に対応しなければならない。後の企业の中で主にファイルを翻訳、日本语の特许の文书によると、会社の広报资料や作业ファイルの通訳を务めた。以上の仕事の経験をアップしました私の日本语の通訳のレベルのと同时に、锻えられた良好なコミュニケーションの能力、分析や日本语入力の能力を持っている。同时に日系企业で働いた経験だ。私はもっと良いより速く适応の日系企业の仕事の雰囲気だった。私の性格は性格的に落ち着いていて、真剣かつ责任ある仕事、チームワークだった。独学能力と适応力が强い。得られるならば、チャンスが最善を尽くしては、私の技能を适用しており、仕事の中では、会社の発展に自分の1部の努力を倾けている。


  • 下个月就要去新加坡留学 2周后有个面试 我要怎么自我介绍 求一份稿子 英文的 我是高二 女 本人英文水平不是很好~…… 以下问题可否做个回答(英文版)官方点就可以了……1.What’s your purpose to go to Singapore?2.Will you came back to China?3.If you can choose Peking University or Tsinghua University in china, Singapore national university as well, which one would you like and why?4.If you like literature, will you like tragedies or comedies more? And why?5.What’s your plan for the future?6.What do you like best?7.Could you interpret your value in your mind?8.What’s your goal? How will you achieve it?9.Do you have an idol in your mind? Who and why?10How do you like your high school entrance examination?
  • 你先写中文答案。不要做伸手党。


  • 后天去杭州长安福特面试,邮件里通知我准备一段简单的英文自我介绍,介绍个人的基本信息和工作经历。我想问下各位,我事先在写在纸张上,然后面试的时候直接照着纸上的念吗?还是要我背出来?知道的告诉我一下。
  • 你能背出来的话,对方肯定会看到你的自信和才能。


  • 高中水平可带自我调侃…
  • 美国人听了捧腹大笑的东西你就算写出来了,有为坐在下面听的中国小伙伴们考虑吗。

初中自我介绍 英文

  • 快快!!!!一分钟的演讲用!不要太难!!!问题补充: 男的
  • 你是男的女的


  • 签证的时候用的,内容要写自己的家人,为什么要去美国
  • Hellow, my name is xxx(你的名字). I am xx(年龄)years old , and i come from the China. i am very nice to see you. it is my first time leave my family and go to somewhere i dont familiar with. Actually, i get some nervous. But i trust my self can handle well on such thing ,and also my family believe me i can do it. i have a great family. my mom and my dad are one of the best parent in the world. i love them. they believe that go-to-America will be a very useful experience even in the further. beacuse i will live and handle thing as a independent person. i know that it will be a very diffcult thing to me. but, i believe that if my family is standing by my side, we can do well. i am very appreciate you sit here and listen my story. thank you.大致就是这种感觉 可能不需要怎么长 签证的时候不会问你太多问题的(主要是看你办的事那种签证)翻译:你好, 我的名字是xxx。 我有xx岁 我来自中国。 今天很高兴认识你。这是我第一次离开自己的家庭去一个我不是很熟悉的地方。实际上 我还是有点小紧张的。但是我和我的家庭都相信我能做好这件事。我有一个很伟大的家庭。我的母亲和父亲是这世界上最好的父母(美国人说话都很夸张)。我爱他们。他们认为这次去美国的事情会成为值得让我学习的经验 甚至是在以后的日子里。因为 我将会生活和处理事情像一个独立的人一样。我也知道 这件事对于我来讲也许会很困难。但假如 我的父母和我是站在一起的话 我们就能做好这件事。我感激你能坐着这里听完我的故事。谢谢翻译可能语法各种不对=-= 但基本是这个意思的 最后祝你成功你到了美国之后有什么事可以找我帮忙 我也在美国 有4年左右的时间毕竟还是同胞 又能帮忙的我还是会尽量帮的这是我的qq 1579581713
